Sean Kilpatrick

Sean Kilpatrick wrote Anatomy Courses (with Blake Butler, Lazy Fascist Press), Thank You, Steel China (Schism[2]) and Sir William Forsythe's Freebase Nuptials (Sagging Meniscus Press). He does monthly movie reviews for Hobart. Other writing has appeared or is forthcoming in Boston Review, Nerve, The Quietus, Fence, Vice, Sleepingfish, Bomb, Evergreen Review, Columbia Poetry Review, New York Tyrant, Obsidian, The Casper Review, Black Sun Lit, The Malahat Review, Caketrain, Tarpaulin Sky, Exquisite Corpse, No Colony, La Petite Zine, Juked, The Volta, LIT, Jacket2, Whiskey Island, The Collagist, Action Yes, New South, KMSU Weekly Reader, The Talking Book, Fanzine, Dostoyevsky Wannabe, 30 Under 30, Dzanc Best of the Web 2010, HTMLGIANT, Best American Essays 2014 notable.