Dear Patrick,
Hi there from Los Angeles. I am a very avid FamilyNet viewer, and I recently saw your commercial announcing FamilyNet’s dissolve on the near horizon. I understand RFD TV will be my new network. This notification of the switch made me nervous, but I appreciated your willingness to talk with us, the viewers, about upcoming programming and various matters. It was a great commercial, and I found you likable and at peace with yourself and others.
I would like to open the line of communication about one show in particular, Mr. Belvedere. FamilyNet has been very successful in airing this classic, and I can’t imagine my life without it in my daily schedule. You see, I work from my home studio as a visual artist who often makes landscapes with dying animals in them, and I have two televisions on at all times. Watching funny, touching, and pure-of-heart sitcoms really gets the juices flowing if you know what I mean. And I think you probably do. As I type this to you, I sit before a framed 8×10 autographed glossy of Ken Osmond of Leave it to Beaver fame. You won’t catch me wearing expensive high heels or watching those nasty Sex and the City reruns. I assure you of that. I like family-oriented programming that is polite, mannered, and just plain fun!
The thing is, I get what you want from the programming at RFD TV. It makes sense to me. I’m a girl from Omaha, Nebraska and Fort Worth, Texas. I like rural events and equine highlights as much as the next cowgirl. But I also like a bit of variety in my life. And for right now, I firmly believe one episode of Mr. Belvedere a day on RFD TV would be just the ticket. The show would fit right in, but also offer a bit of a different touch. I’ve asked members of my community at a town hall meeting if they feel the same way. Because I didn’t want to ask this of you unless I thought other RFD TV viewers in my area would also appreciate a half-hour a day of Mr. Belvedere. You know what those of them who own a television set said? They said, “I LOVE MR. BELVEDERE! AND I CAN TOTALLY SEE IT WORKING WELL WITH THE PROGRAMMING PATRICK MENTIONED IN THAT COMMERCIAL!” I just smiled to myself and nodded calmly, without even looking up.
Patrick, I fear they couldn’t handle it if you took this show away from us. I know I couldn’t. I once went into a serious depression over something involving my favorite notebook paper being discontinued. I’m not sure I’ve ever gotten over that disappointment. Please do the right thing, and consider my plea. I have so much faith you will.
With great emphasis and a preliminary thank you,
Robyn O’Neil
“I think TV has the ability to move mountains. It has the ability to teach, inspire, support, and guide…all while we lay comfortably on our soft couches with a nice glass of ice water in our arthritic hands. I say with no sadness, it is the best friend I’ve ever had.” – Me.

Ken Osmond
On Oct 6, 2012, at 3:47 PM, rfd******* wrote:
Thanks for your feedback. That show will stay in the lineup.
You might think of ordering the DVD set for Mr. Belvedere, or get a DVR so you can record the series for the future.

Dear Patrick,
Oh, what wonderful news this is. What a wonderful WORLD this is. We all appreciate you keeping Mr. Belvedere on the air. And your tip about the future of DVDs will certainly come in handy in the near future.
Your version of shine is a searchlight,
“Sometimes, in life, people really listen. Sometimes, we all win. Heads up, people. Heads up to the stars. Congratulations.” – Me.