environmental poem
i don’t want to destroy anything
i want to live peacefully with the crabs
and know that when they move
it is because they wanted to move
and they move away from me
and that’s okay
island of happiness, ocean of sadness
island of happiness, ocean of sadness
but we discover island of happiness is volcano of sadness
so i take my canoe of freedom and paddle around until i drown
my aura (a stone in a ring)
my aura looks like
a stone in a ring
p u r p l e o v a l
a u r a o v a l
some guys like to put their dick in my oval
a u r a l s e x
o v a l s e x
who might,
in sticking their dick in my oval,
make something beautiful?
if you put your dick in my oval
this is what you get
a poem about a purple oval like
a stone in a ring
love poem
i saw a piece of paper
and i turned it into a card for the guy that i like
isn’t that so nice?
everything in the world endangers my buzz
i walk thru the world in fear of losing my buzz
always trying to keep my buzz
i’m like, “shhhhh,” when the wind rushes by
shhh when the wind rushes by
s h h h when the wind r u s h e s b y