Last Ten



I remember a girl at college telling the room they killed Bin Laden

her voice turned pitchy
& querulous

we were in the study lounge
— awful building, it looked like an arsenal
& sat on a large hill
that  spent half  the year drowned out by snow


in the middle of the episode there’s an argument
between the bureau chief & FBI director who has no ethics

it’s a dumb show  filled with crying & gratuitous explosions

at times,  it feels good to relinquish the idea of taste

the hitch is     here  the shadow government is boring


this week, Andrew is in Key West with relatives
trying to make the best of it. they wound up
at a bright, popular, bar Hemingway named after a sandwich.

he sent a photo of a parked car
caked in kaleidoscopic trash.

my boyfriend held it up on the couch Tuesday —
we were taking a break in the conversation
about whether to go out & where & for how long


scenes from the winter white house

3/4 of the moon through a swimming pool

aides clustered behind the Japanese Prime Minister,
the flair from a cell phone—

it’s bad op-sec. it’s a wedding party.

there’s a door in the ballroom covered
in sculpted gold babies. panel after panel,
the same gross cherub. I’m not fucking with you.

wasted most of last night
trying to get to pictures of entrees
at the Mar-a-Lago—



something’s not right.
the horse show is cancelled.
our parents are talking
about Deep States again


does everything belong in a pieta?

It’s 1am

the neighbors string lights sag in the wind